Welcome To The Olympic Jumping Complex

Discover our world-class destination that combines thrilling sport competitions, rich Olympic history, stunning natural beauty, and activities for everyone. Welcome, explore our website, and plan your visit today!

One unbeatable price will get you a single admission to a whirlwind of thrilling experiences that can only be found at the Legacy Sites. It’s ideal for anyone wanting to do multiple activities, plus 10% off at all Legacy Sites dining and shopping locations!

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An aerials ski jumper in orange, green, and blue soars high, with his head toward the ground and skis in the air and nothing around him except the mountains and clouds in the background.
An aerials athlete sideways while performing a trick high in the sky against the blue background.
An aerials ski jumper in mid flight with green pants and a blue and black bib, red sleeves, inverted in the air against a cloudy gray background with the faint image of mountains in the distance lower right.
Tate Frantz soars through the air off a jump with nothing but blue sky around him.